India achieved the freedom on 15th August 1947 from British Rule but it declared Democratic and Republic state with the adoption of the own Constitution on 26th January, 1950. Independence defined under the Indian Independence Act 1947. But we did not have permanent constitution; it was based on law – Government of India Act 1935. After Independence one committee was appointed to draft permanent constitution of India lead by Dr. B.R.Ambedkar as chairmen. India celebrates Independence Day for freedom from British Rule and Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of its constitution. Our Constitution gave the power to choose their own government and covered the way for democracy to citizens of India. A draft constitution was prepared by the committee and submitted to the Constituent Assembly on 4 November 1947. After long discussion, research and few modifications, members of the Assembly signed the document on 24 January 1950 and on 26 January 1950; it came into effect into the whole nation. On that day, Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first President of the Indian Union. Thereafter 26th of January was declared as national holiday and recognized as the Republic Day of India.
.Celebration: Republic Day is celebrated every year with much enthusiasm and patriotic zeal across the country. The event begins with the Prime Minister of India putting down a garland at the Amar Jawan Jyoti, in honor all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country. Then 21 gun salutes is offered, the President unfurls the National Flag and the National Anthem is played. This marks the beginning of the grand parade. Indian Army showcases its latest equipment such as tanks, missiles, radars, etc. Soon after, medals of bravery are given by the President to the armed forces for their outstanding courage in the field.
जन-गण-मन अधिनायक जय हे, भारत-भाग्य-विधाता । पंजाब सिन्धु गुजरात मराठा, द्रावि़ड़ उत्कल बंग । विन्ध्य हिमाचल यमुना गंगा, उच्छल जलधि तरंग । तव शुभ नामे जागे, तव शुभ आशिष मांगे, गाहे तव जय गाथा । जन-गण मंगलदायक जय हे, भारत-भाग्य-विधाता । जय हे ! जय हे !! जय हे !!! जय ! जय ! जय ! जय हे !!
Colorful cultural parade is arranged by each state represent its unique festivals, historical locations and art which showcase the rich cultural heritage of India. Various government department and ministries of India are also presented displaying their contribution towards the progress of the nation. The most eagerly awaited part of the parade is the fly past by the Indian Air Force. The fly past marks the conclusion of the parade, when fighter planes of the IAF saluting the President.
President of India distributes Padma Awards to the civilians of India every year in the evening. These are the second highest civilian awards in India after Bharat Ratna. These awards are given in three categories, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri, in decreasing order of importance. Celebrations held in all state capitals where the Governor of the state unfurls the Tricolor. Small scale celebrations are also held at district headquarters, talukas, panchayats, all educational institutes etc as well. On this Republic Day, we must read the great Constitution of India that propounds liberal democracy has in its store. Let's feel proud to be an Indian.