Most of our festivals follow the lunar motion but Makar Sankranti follows the Lord Sun. Transition of Sun into the Zodiac of Makar - Capricorn in the month of Posh so this festival is known as Makar Sankranti. This makes this festival to fall on a fixed date every year 14th January. Earth changes the direction of rotation towards southern to northern side from Dakshinayana to Uttarayan little beat, so this festival is also called Uttarayana. This festival is celebrated in all over India with their own tradition. We can relate our life transition with the Sun transition so it is much important as cultural festival. This festival is mentioned in many of our religious text which enlighten about the festival’s religious significance. In Bhagwad Gita, it is mentioned that six months of Uttarayan is the day time of deity. And, the 6 months of Dakhshinayan is the night for Gods.
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
This period is known for transition of darkness to light and victory of light over darkness. Sun is the most Tejasvi and Karmyogi and during this time Lord Sun attacks on darkness. After this, darkness starts reducing day by day and any good work or auspicious function can be arranged and planned. Human life is also covered with the many kind of darkness like Ignorance, superstition, inertia, mischievous, etc so we have to overcome these all with knowledge, science, faith consciousness, culture and sacrament respectively. Transition means of change and its aspiration of all but these days are for transition in thought and ideology. We all have to get victory over anger, greed, infatuation, lust. We have to do Satsang because it is medicine of life. Sankrnti means – Sanghkranti it means unity, and in Kaliyug it is must for victory and put Supreme lord in center. In the era of Mahabharata, Bhishma Pithama had a blessing of wish death. Although lying on the bed of arrows, he did not sacrifice his life in the Dakhsinayan, and waited for the Sun to go in Uttarayan. It is believed that on the day of Makar Sankranti, when sun entered in the Uttarayan, Bhishma Pithama, discarded his body. Gautama also attained on the third full moon day after Uttarayan. And in South India, there are examples of innumerable saints, sages, siddhas and yogis who have made the transition during this period.
संघे शक्ति कलौ युगे
We celebrate this festival with giving laddu of sesame and jiggery to each other to built the affectionate relation and eliminate the difference. People donate secretly and give laddu to Brahan. As brahman had responsibility to save culture and it is responsibility of other that Brahmanatv must be alive. Sesame is very healthy for the body in winter. So may be this tradition has been started. Kite festival is also famous and main idea behind flying kite is , during this winter day , natural sun bath is attended. Kite and thread is also same like the human and god. Once the thread cut it mean we forgot god then we cannot live peacefully. So Sun Lights and Laddu of sesame and jiggery, kite and thread this trust created is the main motive behind this festival. This is the day winter officially ends and spring begins transition symbolic of discarding the previous season’s bad and the beginning of a fresh new season.
.People who have been spiritually aware, have always identified this transition as a possibility for human consciousness to blossom. The human system is more receptive to grace at that time than any other. History clearly indicates that the maximum number of people have attained in this phase of the sun in the Northern Hemisphere. That is why in terms of sadhana, Dakshinayana is for purification and Uttarayan is for enlightenment. This is the period of receptivity, of grace and enlightenment, of attainment of the ultimate. This is the time to harvest, and it is also the reason agricultural harvests begin during this period. So it is not only the time of harvesting food grains but also the time to harvest human potential. At the beginning of Uttarayan, we all should become more consciously receptive to grace. Any Human want this body of flesh and bone to absorb the nature of the cosmic body, understanding and being in tune with this movement of Uttarayan and Dakshinayana is very important.
Celebration: Makar Sankranti is one of the most favorable in all parts of India in countless cultural forms, with immense devotion, fun and passion. One day before Makar Sankranti, on 13th January, Lohri is celebrated in Haryana and Punjab. At night, people gather around the bonfire and throw sesame, puffed rice & popcorns into the flames of the bonfire. In Uttar Pradesh it is mainly the festival of 'Donation'. The Magh fair, which continues for one month on the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati in Allahabad, starts from the day of Makar Sankranti only and lots of pilgrims take holy bath in triveni sangam. In Bengal, there is a tradition of donating til after taking bath in Gangasagar and huge fair is also organised every year. On the occasion of Makar Sankranti in Tamil Nadu, this festival is celebrated as Pongal for four days. Pongal means to overflow. Rice is cooked in milk and the rice is allowed to flow over the edge. In Gujarat, the kite festival is organized on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. In Gujarat, a special winter vegetable called undhiyo, Jalebee and Khichdo – mix grain are the specialty of the day. Gujarat Government arranges International Kite Festival on the banks of the river Sabarmati. In Assam it is celebrated as Magh Bihu and Bhogal Bihu.