Shreemad Bhagawad Gita is the only Holy Scripture in the universe of which we celebrate the birthday. We heard about the birthday celebration of Lord or great leaders but never heard about the celebration of sacred text, this shows the importance and influence of the Shreemad Bhagavad Gita on the humanity. More than 5250 years ago on the eleventh day – Ekadashi of the Sukla Paksh of the month margsir or magasar, Lord Shree Krishna, the supreme Lord, gave wisdom about the ultimate truth of universe to Arjun and it is then known Shreemad Bhagavad Gita. This day is also famous as Mokshda Ekadashi. During the Mahabharat war between the Pandavas and Kauravas at Kurukshetra, Lord Shree Krishna offer Gita Gyan to the world and Arjun was just nimitta. From that time Gita is inspiration for all the human kind on the world including Gyani, Yogi, Devotees, Saints, Karmayogi, Tatvagyani etc. Bhagvad Gita gives courage to live to all irrespective of the country, region, time period, religion or cast. God gifted life is not for cry but it is for the smile, development, struggle against all hurdle with courage.
Everyone in this world irrespective of any profession can have unique points to follow from the Bhagvad Gita. All the scriptures are good but no one is comparable to the Shreemad Bhagvad Gita. All individual can get help from Gita as Gita is light against the darkness; the belief in Gita removes the disappointment produce by the failure and explains that failure is the significance of the delay and not opposition of success. This works as the pillar and step for success. Gita told human to become Yogi means attach with some ultimate aim of the life, without aim everything is wasted. Gita taught Brahmana to do the tap and save culture, Kshatriya to save world, Vaishya to do business and save cow and Shudra to help in fluffing the above. Gita teaches student to get the Vidhya with curiosity, young to take risk and work for Lord, older to use their experience for society, sanyasi to become sanyasi from inside and sacrifice. Gita teaches to women that, lady is symbol of Laxmi or glory so speech must be lovely and inspirational, lady is born for the great work that must be remembered, advisory to man, as lady is mother so naturally she is greater than man but if lady try to become like man then it is ultimately degrading their self.
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत | अभ्युत्थान- मधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्|| परित्राणाय- साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्-| धर्मसंस्था- पनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे||
Celebration: Gita Jayanti is celebrated with reading the Bhagavad Gita with great joy, respect and discussing with scholars how it is beneficiary for humanity even in twenty first century. Devotees do the fasting on this as it falls on Ekadashi. People perform rituals and distribute sweets. The main purpose of celebrating Gita Jayanti is to remember the thoughts of Gita and apply it in our routine life. It allows individuals and families to lead a courageous as well as an active life that is productive. Especially temples of Lord Shree Krishna celebrate this day with great passion. Devotees visit to Kurukshetra on this day and take a holy bath in sacred ponds. To teach the value of Dharma to the youth through details of the Gita on this day is being organized.

Brief of Bhagvad Gita : There are 700 Slokas in Gita and divided in 18 chapters. First chapter is Arjun Vishad Yog, pain of Arjuna is mentioned as he saw the relatives against whom he had to fight and became demotivated. Second chapter is Sankhy Yog, Lord Shree Krishna explained him about the necessity of the war for dharma and characteristics of the wise person. Third chapter is Karma Yog, Lord Shree Krishna explained about the Anashakt act and need the perform task for the society, dharma and lord. Forth chapter is Gyan Karma Sanyas Yog, this explains the importance of knowledge, glory and conduct of great person. Fifth chapter is Karma Sanyas Yog, this explains the characteristics and glory of Sankhy Yogi and Karma Yogi and decide the way forward. Sixth chapter is Atma Sanyog Yogi, this explains inspiration to for self-welfare and details of Dhyan Yog. Seventh chapter is Gyan Vigyan Yog, this explains each element as creation and form of supreme lord in scientific way. Eighth chapter is Aksha Brahma Yog, this explains the spirituality and Brahm. Ninth chapter is Raj Vidhya Raj Gyuh Yog, this explains the meaning and subject of genesis of the universe. Tenth chapter is Vibhuti Yog, this explains the power of the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna. Eleventh chapter is Vishvaroop Darshan, Supreme Lord Shree Krishna showcase the original form – Vishvroop and Chaturbhuj to Arjuna. Twelfth chapter is Bhakti Yog, this explains about the types and importance of the worship. Thirteenth chapter is Kshetra Kshetragya Vibhag Yog, this explains about the nature, body and soul. Fourteenth chapter is Gun Tray Vibhag Yog, this explains the main three characteristics of the nature and human, Satva, Rajas and Tamas. Fifteenth chapter is Purshottam Yog, this explains the idea behind the supreme Lord, soul and various forms. Sixteenth chapter is Daivasur Sampad Vibhag Yog, this explains the characteristic of human with daivy and ashuri. Seventeenth chapter is Shraddhatray Vibhag Yog, this explains the difference between the Yagya, food and donation. The last eighteenth chapter is Moksha Sanyas Yog, this explains the ultimate truth and achievement of the life.
In short words are not sufficient in the universe to explain the importance of Bhagavad Gita so all individual must read and understand the fact behind teaches and feel the supreme Lord Shree Krishna. As stated in the Gita Mahatmya, if any one follows the instructions of Bhagavad Gita properly then he can be freed from all miseries in this life. Shreemad Bhagvad Gita is the summary or the conclusion of the all Holy Scriptures including the Vedas, Upnishada, Puran etc. सर्वशास्त्रमयी गीता. Shreemad Bhagvad Gita is not only Indian scripture but it is global scripture. So Bhagwad Gita is called the mother of all Holy texts of the world.
Gita Jayanti Dates for 2019 to 2024
Year | Date |
2019 | Sunday, 8th of December |
2020 | Friday, 25th of December |
2021 | Tuesday, 14th of December |
2022 | Saturday, 3rd of December |
2023 | Friday, 22nd of December |
2024 | Wednesday, 11th of December |