Details of Grahan Yog, Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja
As per the Vedic Astrology, Grahan Yog or Grahan Dosh form in horoscope of Individual while Rahu or Ketu is placed with Sun or Moon or even aspect each other. In general sense we mean Grahan as to eat and eclipse as well, which means Rahu or Ketu may eat Sun or Moon via Grahan Yoga. We know that Sun and Moon are two most important Grah in our horoscope which has high impact on entire life. Sun is believed to be Swami of our soul and Moon is Swami of our mind. And Rahu and Ketu are believed as malefic planet thus they may bring hurdles and harm for individual. We have observed that when eclipse happens then darkness increases all around and same thing happen while individual who have Grahan Yoga in his horoscope. Thus, individual may suffer with general or any specific problem which is mainly based on the house in which Grahan Yoga is formed. Like if it occurs in seventh house then person may faces issue in delayed in marriage or difference with life partner also faces health related issue and mental imbalance. If it occurs in fist house then it will badly impact on your confidence. Various other impacts are failure, frustration, miscarriage, obstruct in career, wastages of hard work etc. Thus, based on the house where Dosha form in your horoscope, individual can suffer with adverse effect. Thus Grahan Dosha Nivaran Puja should be performed by individual to overcome the Dosha.
Though, Grahan Yoga is very common and more than 50% individual have this Dosh. Thus, combination of Grah in various house, Nakshatras, their beneficial and negative effect, all this analysis is required. Then only the general or specific effect can be found for individual. Thus to find Grahan Yoga looks very simple from horoscope but the actual process of calculating the malefic results indicated by Grahan Yoga in a horoscope is bit complex. Therefore, each and every aspect in a horoscope should be analyzed properly before moving towards the conclusion of Grahan Dosha.
There are certain remedy for Grahan Dosha described as per below.
Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja is the main remedy to remove the negative effect of Dosha.
Individual has to serve his Guru and has to recite the Guru Mantra.
If Grahan dosh formed with Sun then, individual has to offer water to Lord Sun in every morning.
If Grahan dosh formed with Moon then, individual has to donate white cloth to needy people.
If Grahan dosh formed with Sun then, individual has to worship Lord Surya and observe fast on Sunday.
Individual has to worship Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman to reduce the impact