Details of Shrapit Yog, Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh Nivaran Puja
Shrapit Dosh or Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh or Shani Rahu Shrapit Yoga or Shapit Dosha is formed when the Shani and Rahu are placed together in any house of horoscope or also if they are aspecting to each other and said to be astrological bad luck. But mostly it creates due to both planet placed altogether. The word Shrapit means is cursed due to bad karma in past life and Shapit Dosha is believed to extremely bad for individual which cause lots and lots of problems. Due to Shrapit Dosha, individual’s life may goes in waste without any purpose and effects on personal and profession life, also good effect of other Grah could be removed. Thus, to remove the impact of Shrapit Dosha, individual has to perform Shrapit Dosha Nivaran Puja. If Puja is not performed, then this dosha may continue in next birth as well.
If the combination of Shani and Rahu is in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the horoscope then negative effect will be at high level and if it is in 3rd, 6th or 11th house the individual will suffer less due to this Dosha. Conjunction of Saturn and Rahu makes a person intelligent and makes successful in professional life but Dosha makes a person unlucky and could not get succeed in any activities. Due to the Shrapir Dosha, individual can suffer from unfruitful marriage life, child related problem, dispute in family, unnatural death etc.
There are certain remedy for Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosha or Shani Rahu Shapit Dosha described as per below.
Individual has to perform Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh Nivaran Puja, individual has to offer milk with water and black lentils to a Shivalingam on every Monday. Also person has to recite Beej Mantra of Shani and Rahu for 108 times everyday.
Shrapit Dosh is formed in our Kundali when Shani and Ketu Graha Yuti are formed. Also when the Shani Graha sees the house in which Ketu is present and When Ketu Graha Sees the House in which Shani will be present.
Beej Mantra for Shani is – “Om Praang Preeng Praung Sah Shanishcharaya Namah "
“ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रोम सह शनै नमः । “
Beej Mantra for Rahu is - " Om Bhraang Bhreeng Bhraung Sah Rahvey Namah "
ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः।
Individual has to donate Black Til for Shani Graha and Black Udad for Ketu Graha to reduce the impact.
Also, Individual has to perform oil Abhishekam to Shani dev on Saturdays and recite Hanuman Chalisa path to reduce adverse effects of Shrapit Yoga.