Details of Shukra Jaap - 64000
Meaning of the Sukra is white or bright and Sukra is most rated planet in astrology. Lord Sukra is indicator of love, marriage, luxury, beauty, prosperity, happiness, passion etc. Sukra Planet is associated with family life, and business/career. The positive influence of Sukra will favors in wealth, property, good home life, success in occupations.
If Sukra is placed negative horoscope then it creates the problem in marriage life and health issue. So Sukra Jap is required to reduce the negative effects. Sukra Jap is performed on behalf of Devotees to rectify the malefic effect of Sukra or Venus, eliminate the negative effect and create the positivity. Once Sukra Jap is performed on it will help in creating more positivity and strength to the Sukra so ultimately it will help devotees in many sides. When Sukra is beneficial to Devotees then it gives happy marriage life, good health and wealth. Friday is the preferred day to perform the Sukra Jap.